August 25, 2013
An urgent
appeal to all friends
of the Republican cause:
Virginia is teetering on
the edge of a moral
crisis. We are
under attack on all
fronts, by those
intending to corrupt and
forever alter the
conscience, character and
destiny of our
Commonwealth. Not
even our closest allies
in the Republican Party
appear willing to oppose
the Democrat incumbent in
his bid for
re-election. But
Ive been
asked to fill this void. To
challenge the General
Assemblys chief
patron of same-sex
marriage. To
confront a political
culture that is morally
inept. To put
aside a politician whose
commitment to abortion
has grieved and tarnished
the heart of our entire
In order to adequately
ensure the incumbent is
defeated on election day,
I must conduct an
campaign. My
opponent is determined to
gratify the counter cultural
element of both political
parties . . . the
fringe.  He
is deeply committed to
abortion. He
is the General
Assemblys chief
sponsor of same-sex
marriage. And
as a political operative
for the Democratic
National Committee (DNC),
he is anxious to deliver
Virginia directly into
the hands of the Obama
faction and others of
those who idolize and
promote a culture of
death, drugs and moral
deviancy. His
campaign is heavily
financed his
political war chest has
accrued nearly one
million dollars
since 2009. Many
suspect he is being
groomed for statewide
office by Virginias
establishment. And
his ultra-progressive
ideological approach is
thoroughly embraced by
the media, which has for
the past five years been
doing all that it can to
help advance his
campaign, as well as his
political agenda, to the
next level.
Here in Virginia
House District 44,
our Republican defenders
seem to have lost much of
nerve. They no
longer seem willing to
put up much of a
fight. Yet I
am confident our relief will
come, not by hanging our
hopes on the future of
the Republican Party, but
by calling on ordinary
individuals to stand up
with courage and to take
action on election
day. We can
longer afford to sit idly
on the
sidelines. Politicians
like the Democrat
incumbent, who enjoy the
support of both political
parties, will not be
defeated unless we
the people begin to
wake up and re-assess our
true moral strength and
purpose. For
this campaign to be
successful, our message
must go out, and it
needs to reach every
household in Virginia
House District 44. It
will require a strong,
organized grassroots
effort, with brochures,
flyers, yard signs,
targeted campaign ads,
and a thorough canvassing
of every voter precinct
within this
district. I
cannot do it all
alone. Thats
why Im turning to
the people who know me
best, and inviting them
to get involved in my
Your contribution, made
payable to Glean
Campaign Committee,
will give our race a
boost. Your
gift of $25, $50, $100,
$250, $500, whatever
amount you can
comfortably afford, will
help me reach every
household. Our
goal is to raise $20,000
by Monday, October 21,
2013. I
ask for your support in
this great challenge. An
envelope and reply
enclosed. I
hope that you will use
them to return your
contribution (of any
amount) and help me to
bring better government
to the people of
Again, I am the only
person standing in
opposition to the
Democrat incumbent in his
bid for
re-election. I
am running as an
conservative. And
my name has been
successfully placed on
the ballot, by voter
petition. Thank
in advance for your
encouragement and
For the preservation of
Life, Liberty, Happiness
and Safety,
Joseph A.
Joe Glean,
for Delegate
Independent (No
Party Affiliation)
House District 44