JoeGlean. He’s
me. Joe
Glean. Sung to
the tune of ‘Jolene.’
Thursday, November 14, 2013
For all
those who chose to rally round my
campaign despite the odds, I thank
you and pray God’s
blessing on you for your support
and encouragement!
November 5, 2013
If you
agree that homeschool advocacy is
needed in HD 44, follow the
example of HSLDAVA-PAC. Contact
your homeschooling friends and
neighbors, and ask them to help
get the word out about Glean for
See you at
the polls!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 CANDIDATES
update from Stratford
It was clear to everyone present
that I must have struck a nerve
earlier this evening (Wednesday,
October 30, 2013), during my
presentation before the Stratford
Landing Citizens Association,
when I brought up Delegate Scott
Surovell’s support of Speaker
Howell’s tax hike /
transportation plan. This topic
pretty much kept Scott on the
defense during the entirety of
his closing remarks. Of course,
he tried to say he didn’t vote
for it, but I called him out on
that lie by pointing out
that he voted for the bill’s final
enactment, regardless of any
preliminary votes he cast early
I also got him to sheepishly
admit that he was indeed
the chief sponsor
of same-sex marriage, although he
tempered this admission by
saying, “I'm not going to get
into social issues tonight,
because I know most people are
more concerned with things like
transportation.” The
question this statement left
in everyone’s mind: If the
people you claim to represent are
mostly concerned about things
like transportation,
then why are you the chief
sponsor of same-sex
The turnout was not nearly as
large this year as it was in
2011. There were probably well
over 200 people there in 2011.
This year there were only about
30, maybe 40. But just like
last time around, a good number
came up to me afterward and
thanked me for offering voters a
good, godly, moral choice.
The Republicans don’t seem to
get it, that the pro-life,
pro-family, pro-marriage message
is one that resonates deeply with
ordinary citizens. If only I
had the kind of broadcast
support the Republicans gave to
John Barsa in 2011, the Democrat
incumbent wouldn’t stand a
Hopefully my going door to door
will have had some effect. But
almost every person who came up
to speak with me before and after
today’s event said the same
thing: “I keep hearing people
say that Scott is running
The following is a transcript of
my opening and closing remarks:
-- -- -- -- --
Opening Statement
[4 minutes]
Hello. Thank you for inviting
me to attend. It’s nice to,
once again, be in the company of
so many familiar faces. As you
will recall, I was here two years
ago. And for those taking
notes, much of what I have to
share with you this evening is
going to sound familiar.
My name is Joe Glean.
I live in the Mount Zephyr
Community, and have lived in the
same neighborhood my entire
life. In fact, my home is only
about 10 houses down from my
parents’ house, and so I stop
by to visit as often as I can,
especially around dinnertime.
Moderator asks: Do they
let you in?
Yes, usually, but I’m starting
to think they like seeing the
grandkids more than they like
seeing me. [Shrugs shoulders.]
I have four daughters. Again,
that’s four daughters.
Plus my wife. So as you might
imagine, I’m used to being on
the losing end when it comes to
casting votes at home.
This year, I am the only
person standing in opposition to
the Democrat incumbent in his bid
for re-election. I am running
as an independent conservative,
against the General Assembly’s chief
patron of same-sex
marriage. The incumbent is
deeply committed to abortion, an
enterprise which I feel ought to
be abolished entirely. If
elected, I will concentrate on
restoring the constitutional
rights of our posterity in the
womb. I will also do everything
in my ability to defend and
protect traditional marriage.
Abortion and Same-Sex
Marriage are the two
most obvious reasons
why no one, in
good conscience, ought to
support the Democrat incumbent.
But as the election approaches, I’ve
noticed Scott has pretty much
avoided broadcasting his support
of these things. And with the
help of the Washington Post and
other media outlets, his campaign
has attempted to shift the
dialog over to Transportation.
But I’m afraid my opponent will
find no safe haven on this
particular subject, either.
Earlier this year, he voted to
enact Speaker Howell’s
transportation bill. In doing
so, he voted for the largest
tax hike in Virginia
history, making Northern Virginia
residents [in Fairfax, Prince
William County, Arlington, and
elsewhere] pay an additional $166
each year [on average] per
person. Meanwhile, Virginians
who live in places like Stafford
and Fauquier are required only
to pay $50 per
year for use of the same
I think that’s unfair,
don’t you?
And the reason for this disparity
should come as little surprise:
Speaker Howell, the man who
introduced this bill, is from
Stafford, where the lower tax was
put into effect. And according
to The Virginia Pilot, the
delegates who ultimately went
along with this new tax plan
mainly did so because the Speaker
promised to make sure they’d
each get re-elected. Could
this, perhaps, be
the reason why the Democrat
incumbent faces no Republican
opposition this year?
More proof to the fact that all
members of the Virginia House
belong to the same ruthless club,
regardless of party label.
This latest tax hike
directly affects the price you
pay for ordinary purchases
requiring sales tax; car
titling; real property
transfers; hotel stays;
hybrid cars; diesel fuel;
heavy equipment; vending
machine sales; and mail order
It is the largest
tax hike in Virginia’s
And it was dropped square in your
lap and mine, by this man’s
vote. [Motioning to Surovell.]
There is
a better alternative:My
campaign advocates strict
economy and the reduction of
taxes to the basic wants of the
Treasury; over the incumbent’s
devotion to extravagant
expenditures and high taxes.
If you agree that these new taxes
need to go away, you will do well
to vote Joe Glean
on election day.
-- -- -- -- --
Closing Statement
[3 minutes]
Virginia is teetering on the edge
of a moral crisis. We are under
attack on all fronts, by those
intending to corrupt and forever
alter the conscience, character
and destiny of our
Commonwealth. Not even our
closest allies in the Republican
Party appear willing to oppose
the Democrat incumbent in his bid
for re-election. But I’ve
been asked to fill this void.
To challenge the General Assembly’s
chief patron
of same-sex marriage. To
confront a political culture that
is morally inept. To put aside
a politician whose commitment to
abortion has grieved and
tarnished the heart of our entire
Friends, I’m going to need your
vote on election day.
In 2011, I had my best showing
right here, in the Stratford
Landing precinct. And if I do
well enough to make an impact
here in 2013, even if we do not
end up winning the entire
district, I am confident we can
use the momentum of this campaign
to keep this Democrat on the defense,
going into the next election.
And if I may add a bit of
perspective and encouragement:
Where I live, we have a church in
the neighborhood, which is called
“Good Shepherd.” I read in
their newsletter that a combined
total of over 10,000
parishioners attended
worship services there on Easter
Sunday 2012. If those same
10,000 people would simply get
themselves out to the polls on
election day, with the
determination to vote according
to the dictates of conscience,
just that one congregation alone
could decide this election.
The politicians have got it wrong
when they attempt to solicit and
manipulate votes by promising to
deliver political favors to this
group or that group. What I
advocate is something entirely
different. We must find a way
to re-awaken the true
moral strength and purpose of the
And we must call on all those who
desire to know and acknowledge
God; not in an attempt to coax
them over to our side, but to
simply demonstrate our
willingness – as Good Shepherds
– to stand with
them on God’s side.
And not to surrender them to
the wolf — as the Republican
Party has apparently done... and
as I could not follow them in
If you want to learn more about
me and where I stand on the
issues, I invite you to do so by
visiting my website:
Again, that’s
rise-to-the-rescue [with a hyphen
between each word] .[dot] com
I’m on the ballot as Joe
Glean… if it helps,
think Mean
Joe Glean…
... and I am the only
person standing in opposition to
the Democrat incumbent in his bid
for re-election.
Moderator adds: Just so
you know, Joe, there are at least
a few of those “Good Shepherd”
parishioners here with us
[At this remark, about eight or
nine people politely smiled and
raised their hand in
Excellent! Thank you for being
-- -- -- -- --
Joseph A. “Joe”
Glean, Prospective
Delegate for
the Virginia General
Assembly, House District 44.
“On the
ballot by voter petition.”
Friday, October 25, 2013
“Kelly” J.
October 25, 2013
Election 2013 An
interview with Joseph
A. “Joe” Glean
- Virginia House District
Please tell us three
major issues in your
constituency. What do
you think are the most
urgent issues that should
be dealt with in
I am the only
person standing in
opposition to the
Democrat incumbent in his
bid for re-election. I
am running as an
independent conservative,
against the General
Assembly’s chief patron
of same-sex marriage.
The incumbent is deeply
committed to abortion, an
enterprise which I feel
ought to be abolished
entirely. If elected, I
will concentrate on
restoring the
constitutional rights of
our posterity in the
womb, and I will do
everything in my ability
to defend and protect
traditional marriage.
Name three main groups
supporting you.
(1) American
Right to Life Action
Board (ARTL Action),
for my unabating support
of the pro-life cause.
No more abortions. No
more exemptions. No
more exceptions.
(2) Black
America’s Political
Action Committee
(BAMPAC), for my advocacy
of political
independence, religious
freedom, economic
solvency and school
(3) Independent
Greens of Virginia
(IG), for my support of
green initiatives,
environmental stewardship
and food freedom. [I
basically follow the
Cornwall Alliance school
of thought — that “people
are more valuable than
many sparrows,” as Dr.
Beisner once put it.]
Do you have any plans
which will help the
minorities including
Korean-Americans to
settle down in
I will
work to protect the worth
and natural equity of
each and every human
being, without giving
preference or showing
favoritism to any
particular class,
condition or
circumstance. This
principle of human equity
is embedded in Virginia’s
founding charter — that
we cannot, by any
compact, deprive or
divest anyone, not
even our own posterity,
“the enjoyment of life
and liberty” or the
means of pursuing and
obtaining “happiness
and safety.” There
are many in power today
who attempt to deny,
neglect and withhold this
standard of right. But
it is indeed the foremost
presupposition of natural
law, so I would do my
best to restore, preserve
and support it.
What is your stance on
immigration issues? Do
you agree with the idea
of increasing quota for
legal immigrants? What
about the ‘Dream Act’?
there exists a perception
(put out by the political
media and others) that
the American dream
centers on expectations
of wealth and economic
security, where all are
encouraged to enjoy the
delusion of living in a
crystal palace and
walking on streets of
gold. The true
American dream has
nothing to do with this
lie. We are one nation
“under God,” which
means that we live under
God’s sovereignty.
(This nation was founded
on the belief that our
rights come from God, not
government.) And when
people come to this
country, the only real
expectation [that I or
anyone else should ever
have] is that they come
with a sincere interest
in joining, learning and
being a part of our
nation’s Christian
heritage, and supporting
the American concept of
freedom and moral
sovereignty, which George
Mason aptly branded the
“blessings of
Do you know about ‘the
East Sea’? Will you
support the bill which
will mandate the
textbooks and other
teaching materials to
reflect the concurrent
names of both ‘East Sea’
and ‘Sea of Japan’?
This is a
prime example of why I
support homeschooling,
and why my wife and I
have chosen to homeschool
our own children. When
children are placed into
a public school, parents
are essentially forced to
accept whatever program
the politicians and
government bureaucrats
decide to impose and
indoctrinate. And when
the students are forced
to learn “facts” that
are inaccurate or
objectionable, the
parents have little
recourse but to appeal to
their political masters
for relief. That is why
I believe homeschooling
is a much better option,
because it allows the
parents to ensure a
quality education for
their children. And the
parents get to choose
their own curriculum, and
identify textbooks and
learning materials that
best suit the needs of
their students.
Why do you believe the
Korean community should
support you?
Now more
than ever, America is in
need of sincere,
principled leaders,
driven not by the lure of
political ambition or the
promise of personal gain,
but by the simple
dictates of conscience;
the love of God and
country; and a strong
commitment to America’s
founding principles.
You will not find such a
choice anywhere else on
the ballot.
It may
interest your readers to
know that I am a 3rd Dan
Black Belter of the Kuk
Ki Won 국기원
(World Tae Kwon Do
Federation), and that I
trained for over 10 years
under Grandmaster Jun
Saeng Yoo (그랜드
마스터) 경생유
at his
Authentic Martial Arts
studio located in Mount
Vernon Square (in the
Groveton area, just north
of Hybla Valley, across
from Honda dealer).
I also
happen to be an
semi-professional studio
musician (keyboard
player), 조셉
글린 : 매그니튜드나인
(Magnitude Nine). I’ve
played on albums released
in South Korea and
elsewhere, with major
label distribution 포니캐년
Korea). My picture has
appeared in Korean
language music magazines
and other music media
outlets throughout
Asia. And I’ve
recorded and performed on
stage with members of 스트라이퍼
(Stryper), 갈보리채플
앙상블 주일예배
(Calvary Chapel Worship
Team), and
프레이즈 밴드
(Maranatha! Praise Band).
Thursday, October 17, 2013
that saber-toothed
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
agrees that gun rights advocacy
is needed in HD 44, endorses
Glean for Delegate.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
What are ordinary
citizens to do when the “choice”
offered to them by the political
parties represents no
acceptable choice at all? How should voters
respond to those political
masters who would attempt to
hinder them from following the
dictates of conscience?
Monday, September 2, 2013
following information has been
submitted to The Washington
Post. It is scheduled for
publication on Thursday,
October 24, 2013, in the
newspaper’s Local Living
section. It’s also scheduled
to be published online at:
If you’ve
come here, looking to find a
politician, I’m afraid you’ve
come to the wrong place.
A politician, after all, is
someone dedicated —
almost exclusively —
to the will of the political
parties, the money people, the
advocates of special interest,
and others of those, possessing a
bit of stature and aristocratic
appeal, within the political
A statesman, on the other hand,
is someone whose political
activity is connected —
first and foremost —
to the acknowledgement of God and
the dictates of conscience.
With Christian diligence, we
trust, hope and pray for some
discernible measure of
responsible, God-honoring public
administration [cf. “good
shepherd” leadership] to be
restored within the Virginia
Statehouse, that ‘statesmanship’
may once again grace the
political proceedings of our
But the fact is: Statesmanship
(such as it once was) no longer
exists here in Virginia, and it
has not existed to any relevant
degree for well over 40 years.
Today, more than ever before, it
is critical that ordinary
citizens rise to
the rescue of this
glorious, Old Dominion.
Indeed, her moral foundations
remain intact. Those founding
tenets are adequately reflected
and permanently embedded right
there in the opening paragraph of
Virginia’s founding charter,
for all to plainly see and
And yet some are calling it a ‘sign
of the times’ that our private
and public expressions of those
right, sacred principles, are no
longer recognizable, pummeled by
decades of political
abuse. Defiled by those in
power, under an obtuse,
theocratic, new age ‘doctrine’
of moral abstinence, and a host
of other intrusive,
pseudo-religious inventions,
imposed by the State.
There is, however, a capable
remedy, available to those who
might choose to accept it.
announces candidacy, HD
Urges voters to “Put
aside the politician.”
we must give the Virginia General
Assembly what it truly
needs. What it deeply
lacks. A person of character,
who isn’t afraid to acknowledge
God. Who isn’t reluctant to
subordinate himself to the
preeminence of God’s authority.
Someone who is able, with
competence, to stand before the
Assembly and speak in defense of
those ‘inalienable,’ ‘self-evident,’
God-given rights, guaranteed to
each and every one of us under
the Constitution.
Someone whose candidacy is able
to spark a revival of the true,
moral strength and purpose of the
people. Someone who believes
in the ascendancy of mankind, the
equity of all human life, the
presupposition of biblical
principle and the supremacy of
our natural rights.
Someone who, in fact, recognizes
what is truly missing at the
heart of Virginia
politics. And though he is
sure to face every possible
disadvantage, backed by little
more than a prayer, he
nevertheless raises both hands to
heaven and proclaims: “Here
am I. Send me.”
If someone like this were on the
ballot, win or lose, for better
or for worse, one thing’s for
sure . . . it
would finally give the people of
Virginia a bona fide
reason to get out of bed and vote
on election day.
And for voters in House District
44 [thanks, in part, to the work
that has already been
accomplished by ordinary
citizens, who recently found
themselves moved to petition the
inclusion of my name on the
ballot], the choice given to us
on Election Day 2013 will
certainly be worthy of
Voters will be asked to choose,
whether to abide silently under
the rule of those who advocate the
establishment of one, ‘neo-secular’
State religion, to rule all
religion. Or instead, to
invoke the fundamental right of
religious freedom, that is due
each and every one of us.
Whether to tolerate the murder of
innocent human life, under the
bearing of those who advocate the
continuation of abortion. Or
instead, to step forward with
courage, and demand the equal
protection of all human life, as
the Constitution, in fact,
Whether to accept the
encroachment (and State-imposed
adulation) of homosexuality, by
allowing those in power to
inappropriately endorse and
idolize this barren, sterile
lifestyle, which is clearly
unbefitting of mankind, and which
is certain to produce negative
consequences for the human
Or instead, to restore a proper
understanding of marriage,
affirming the essential purpose
it serves, in terms of helping to
ensure the good health and
maintenance of the human family,
and the righteous, wholesome
raising of children.
While there is much more that
could be said on these and other
subjects, my advice to voters is
simply this: Look at where
Scott Surovell (the Democrat
incumbent) stands, with respect
to each of the great moral
challenges Virginia is sure to
face in the coming years. Then
look at where I stand.
And on election day, as you
approach the ballot box, be
filled with courage. Put aside
the politician. Follow the
dictates of conscience. And
leave the rest to God.
Joseph A. “Joe”
Glean, Prospective
Delegate for
the Virginia General
Assembly, House District 44.